
5 Best Small Business Invoicing Software in 2021

7 Mins read
If you run your own business, you should solve hundreds of issues every month or even every week. In such circumstances, automatization of every possible process and project is an advantage. In this article, we will discuss invoicing. It is a crucial process for every company. Essentially, it is about reaping the reward. We will explore the benefits of using invoicing software and the five best invoicing software for small businesses in 2021.

10 Top Digital Banks in 2020

5 Mins read
Decades ago, people could recognize the best banks for their well-trained employees that delivered exceptional services to customers in the luxury branches. But today, consumers do not need bank branches or face-to-face services like even one year ago. The number of reliable mobile-only banks is growing every year. They replace some traditional bank institutions and take customers from them to the digital world of simple banking.

Fintech Is Reshaping the Financial Service Industry - Myth or True?

4 Mins read
Fintech has dramatically evolved in recent years, with the most notable changes happening in the past decade. These changes have created new convenient ways for people to interact with their money and posed new challenges for those who struggle with finances. Is FinTech reshaping the financial industry, or is this a hyped-up myth? Here is what you need to know.

Top Fintech Startups to Watch in 2020

8 Mins read
The last months have dramatically changed things in the global world. Still, there are no options to turn off the global finance sector. The use of fintech apps is rising. Investments in fintech startups are growing. The best fintech startups of 2020 aim to fulfill newly emerged consumers’ needs. In this article, you will read about 12 hot fintech startups of 2020.

Top Investors in European FinTech Startups 2020

4 Mins read
With steady growth and determination of FinTech startups investors, FinTech is predicted to reach $4.7 trillion in valuation. Plenty of innovative and lucrative fresh fintech companies start changing finance industries in countries all over the world. No wonder that investing in FinTech startups is an attractive and popular option among venture capitalists.

Challenges of Core Banking Software Implementation

5 Mins read
In the dark ages before core banking software was a thing, transactions between different branches of a single bank took at least one day if the wind was fair and the weather favorable. Thanks to the expansive implementation of the core banking, the situation improved drastically, and now, 24 hours per transaction is a horror-movie material.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security

5 Mins read
Artificial intelligence is here to… No, not to steal your job but rather to make it easier and its — results more impressive, at least, concerning cybersecurity services. If properly harnessed and used, the power of AI and machine learning can significantly improve the levels of software protection. AI for cybersecurity is quite a theme to discuss and imagine things about. In this article, we will scratch the surface of the topic to get that essential understanding of the matter; we will examine how and for what purposes people use AI and machine learning; we will learn about the benefits and challenges that AI poses.

How to Create an Online Marketplace

7 Mins read
Do people still build online marketplaces? Hell yeah, they do. More than half of all online marketplaces were launched in the last 7 years. The market continues to grow, people are more willing to buy and sell, online, new countries enter the level of economic prosperity that is just right for online marketplaces. The opportunities are ripe to harvest.