FinTechSoftware Outsourcing

Digital Transformation in Banking: From Divine Loans to Neobanks

10 Mins read
Fast backward to ancient Babylonia, 1800 BC give or take several hundred years (yeah, no historic accuracy for us here). Imagine you are a farmer named Abum-kila-ilim, and you need a loan because the latest harvest wasn’t spectacular, your livestock is underfed, and you… you’re quite likely underfed as well. Where would you go? That’s right: to the shrine of Shamash, the sun-god and the lord of justice and righteousness!

Top UK Startups to Watch for in 2020

7 Mins read
Considering that the United Kingdom is among the global technology leaders, it’s quite possible that the next “Amazon//Google/[Insert tech giant of your choice here],” which will change the digital ecosystem forever, is currently rising to its feet on the Kingdom’s islands. In this article, we gathered the diverse Top of UK Startups to Watch for in 2020, which have the potential to shake the IT and real world.

Top Young UK Fintech Disruptors

6 Mins read
Currently, there are over 1600 fintech firms in the UK, and this number is expected to double in the 2030s. As follows, the emerging digital banking companies are numerous, and they come in different tastes and flavours. Unfortunately, not all of them will see through to stable success as it often happens with startups. However, the number of bright fintech rookies is surprisingly impressive.

How to Create the Ultimate Mobile Banking App People Like

7 Mins read
Going digital is all about making this world a little more convenient place to be. Traditionally, banking associates with a ton of paperwork, hustle, hidden commissions, and queues of worried people. Now, we are reinventing banking, pushing it into the world of Ones and Zeroes to make it serve people without the burdens of excessive formality, bureaucracy, and boring routines.

Why Developing Chatbot for Business is Great Idea?

4 Mins read
Since then, AI-developers are pretty much obsessed with the idea of creating a human-like artificial intelligence. Chatbots are not an exception, and even though they are far from beating the Turing Test, they came a long way and now are an irreplaceable business asset, which significantly improves a company’s productivity, efficiency, and customer experience. Business Insider predicts that by 2020, 80% of companies will be using chatbots to boost their performance.

Top Things to Do in Lviv while Visiting Your Software Development Partner

7 Mins read
We are glad to inform you that Lviv is a real Gem, which offers you a lot of interesting activities to do besides business and software development. Lviv is hundreds of restaurants, dozens of museums, arrays of gorgeous architecture, variety of interesting festivals, plenty of beautiful theatres, and landscapes of breathtaking scenery. Being a part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, a soul of Ukraine, and also a modern lively city, Lviv is a lifetime of impressions.

Seed Funding and Early-Stage Funding

2 Mins read
So, you have a great idea, perseverance, stubbornness, and determination to make your dreams come true. The only thing you lack is money. It’s ok. You should not work two full-time jobs, look for side gigs, and limit yourself in food and Netflix subscription to accumulate enough money. What you should do though is take your idea to investors.

Zendesk vs Intercom

4 Mins read
Zendesk and Intercom are one of the top players on the field of helpdesk/messenger platforms. They proivde similar services but still are different enough to make you hesitate. In this article, we will neatly organize essential facts about these help desk providers in one place so you can easily “digest” them and decide for yourself, which one is more suitable for you.

Comparison of Cross-Platform Development Tools

6 Mins read
Want your software product to reach the widest audience possible on the maximum number of devices? Want to make your application cross-platform? Get yourself ready to be intimidated by the number of OPTIONS; they are many. This article will help you figure out where to start with cross-platform software development.