
Challenges and Objectives
Tradeshift was a vast project that required versatile and meticulous development. Our team had to develop a plenty of different functionality in the product and implement a great number of third parties to develop a unique value proposition within a single system.
One of the challenges was the lack of API documentation and bugs in existing calls. All this forced the team to do research and seek some alternative solutions.
We had to conduct a thorough analysis of the product and the associated APIs, create user flows and think about UX in the first place, designing intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that would make interactions as seamless as possible.
Our developers focused **on building a reliable and scalable architecture** that would handle heavy loads with ease. Quality analysis was also a key focus throughout the development process, with the team working to ensure that the platform meets the highest standards of the industry.
Tradeshift is a powerful and convenient platform having a diverse range of useful applications for every business seeking to level up its operations. Whether it's to streamline procurement processes, automate invoicing, or improve supplier relationships, Tradeshift's application platform has the solutions to cover everything:
**Tradeshift Buy**
Tradeshift Buy is a radical new approach to eProcurement. With Tradeshift Buy, employees can easily buy every product they need from one place; any online purchase can be within policy; and suppliers manage up-to-date content that’s priced for the business.
**Tradeshift Pay**
Tradeshift Pay is an industry-leading AP automation solution. It includes Tradeshift eInvoicing, collaborative workflow, and Tradeshift CloudScan for invoice capture. Suppliers get it for free.
**Tradeshift Risk**
Tradeshift Risk is a smart supplier lifecycle management solution. With Tradeshift Risk, businesses can manage supplier data, compliance, and risk in one place. Its network of trusted suppliers makes it easier – and safer – to do business.
Our work on this project has resulted in building 24 different solution & showcase applications and bridging 12 useful extensions and integrations to the platform, making Tradeshift a comprehensive tool for every business seeking ease and convenience.
Besides, businesses can get marvelous flexibility and customization opportunities. With Tradeshift, they can choose to build their own custom applications and easily integrate their legacy systems with the platform to meet their exact needs all in one place, without the need for expensive and time-consuming customizations.
This allows businesses to digitize their supply chain their own way, enhancing the operations at their own place and without heavy upfront investments.